SciFi Beasts Pack
This pack contains 6 characters, (a total of at least 9 versions of the type of character). each character has 3 skin versions.
All characters have custom skeleton (Images Included)
SciFi Beast01 Ghoul Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast02 Wasp Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast03 Vulture Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast04 WhaleSnake Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast05 T-Rex Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast06 Bull Link Page Youtube
SciFi Beast01 Ghoul
-Separate Versions (Full Modify, Only Body, WithRocketLaunch, WithClaws)
-3 skin.
-24 animation included
Attack = 6
LaunchRockets = 2
Walk = 5 (F + L + R+ B + F2)
Run = 1
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 4
Death - 2
Jump - 1
Only Character:
Triangles: 77 512
Vertices: 42 160
Triangles: 6676
Vertices: 3644
Triangles: 38 704
Vertices: 19 672
SciFi Beast02 Wasp
-3 skin.
-22 animation included
Attack = 8
Flying = 4 (F + L + R+ B)
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 5
Death - 2
Full modify Character:
Triangles: 59 578
Vertices: 39 338
SciFi Beast03 Vulture
-3 skin.
-37 animation included
(20 Flying and 17 ground anim)
Attack = 8 (4 Flying + 4 Ground)
Walk = 4 (F + L + R+ B)
Flying = 7
Run = 1
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 4
GetHit - 10 (6 Flying + 4 Ground)
Death - 3
Triangles: 95 775
Vertices: 64 075
SciFi Beast04 WhaleSnake
-3 skin.
-20 animation included
Attack = 5 + 2 Shoot anim
Swim 3 (F, L, R)
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 4
Death - 2
Rage - 1
Triangles: 63 341
Vertices: 40 556
SciFi Beast05 T-Rex
-3 skin.
-25 animation included
Attack - 6
Walk - 4 (F, L, R, B)
Run - 1
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 8
Death - 2
Rage - 1
Triangles: 72 027
Vertices: 47 025
SciFi Beast06 Bull
-3 skin.
-29 animation included
Attack - 6
Walk - 4 (F, L, R, B) (F2)
Run - 1
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 8
Death - 2
Rage - 1
Jump - 3
Triangles: 87 597
Vertices: 55 800
Technical Details
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Animations: 157
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 139/18
Number of characters: 9
Vertex counts of characters:
SciFi Beast01 Ghoul: 42 160
SciFi Beast02 Wasp: 39 338
SciFi Beast03 Vulture: 64 075
SciFi Beast04 WhaleSnake: 40 556
SciFi Beast05 T-Rex: 47 025
SciFi Beast06 Bull: 55 800
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 62
Number of Textures: 192
Texture Resolutions: (4096x4096, 2048x2048)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)