Sky Creator
An extensive tool to control dynamic weather and time of day using realistic volumetric clouds, atmosphere and visual effects.
Sky Creator is an extensive tool to control dynamic weather and time of day using realistic volumetric clouds, atmosphere and visual effects in Unreal Engine. With a built-in weather preset system you can create endless amounts of different looking weather and lighting conditions and switch any of them in realtime.
Weather Presets System: allows you creating endless amounts of different looking weather and lighting conditions
Unified Multi-layered Volumetric Cloud material with extended quality settings
Highly art-directable and customizable: from vast realistic cloudscapes to stylized looking skies
Modular design: you can easily control Sky Creator with your own blueprint time manager or weather controller
Built-in Weather FX (CPU & GPU Particles): Rain, Rain Splashes, Snow, Lightnings, Volumetric Wind, etc.
Built-in Material FX (Shaders): Wetness, Puddles, Rain Ripples, Rain Streaks, Snow, etc.
Runtime Occlusion System with a smooth falloff
Simplified and Real positioning models for Sun & Moon
Photorealistic Starmap with rotation, star twinkle effect, moon phases, etc.
Lightweight (as possible) and relatively easy to use
Game-ready optimization
39 included Weather Preset examples
Included Blueprint Controllers examples
Network Replicated
Important note: Sky Creator comes with a few example blueprint controllers at "SkyCreatorPlugin Content/Blueprints". Also please be sure to check out an example map at "SkyCreatorPlugin Content/Maps".
Select "Lights" category in Place Mode
And just drag Sky Creator onto your level
Technical Details
Code Modules:
Current Version: 1.41.3
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of C++ Classes: 5
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win32, Win64, Mac, Linux
Documentation: https://dmkarpukhin.com/sky-creator-plugin/documentation/