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Stadium / Event Fan Spawner V2

Stadium / Event Fan Spawner V2

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810 MB
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Render over 250k fans with good FPS, trigger 12 animations with 15 characters. Draw out chairs in minutes. Use paint chair mode to add letters & designs to your chairs. Ideal for stadiums and events, to add an atmosphere to your game.


Currently, there are 20 characters in V2 (with 15 still in V1) and 12 animations for the fans with a mixer mode to add some variation. This fan spawner is ideal for games that include stadiums and events. This tool has a lot to offer (as listed in the features tab). This tool has two editors a line editor and a square editor, the line editor you can use to do stands that are curved, and in the square editor, you can manipulate spline points to fill your chairs all around weird and different shaped stands to best suit your needs. Instead of using the side panel I've made an editor widget which is big and easy enough to understand and makes the process a lot simpler. (This is preinstalled plug-in by Unreal Engine so all you have to do is enable it.) When selecting a fan spawner BP asset the editor blueprint will show all the appropriate things relating to that blueprint, like the chair height and custom ground offset. There are also settings such as chair model and color along with the editor type (Line editor or chair editor). When you change to the line editor 2 extra options become available which set how many chairs going back (as there's no back spline for the line BP) and curve smoothness to smooth out the chair's spline. The "add chairs in" button spawns the chairs into the BP under a new blueprint called "Fans BP".


In the editor blueprint for fans BP (which auto changes based on what BP you've clicked on) you can toggle different modes like paint chairs and remove chair mode. With paint chairs mode selected you can paint letters, numbers, or images with the tool. Football teams might have their team's name painted in the stands. You can choose from a variety of colors and change your brush size, however, the colors are currently pre-set but a color wheel is coming in V2. once you are done quit the game and click the button that says update chair colors. The process for removing chairs is the same. (Note: Either mode can NOT be entered if fans have been spawned to prevent lag / bugging out.)


With reference to the fans BP in the level BP you can set the fans spawn percentage along with a torch and constant light percentage. Animations can be changed by a material parameter which also includes a mixer mode which for example, if the material parameter is on 3 it will select a random sitting animation to play so there not all playing the same one. If mixer mode is off each person starts their animation at a random start time so on a single animation it still looks random.


This tool is really powerful I've refined the LODs really well for optimal performance but still producing great results. I managed to get 250k fans on an RTX 2060 with 130 FPS. Check out my tutorial videos listed below where I cover in more detail the processes on how to use this tool.




Version 2.0 Only available on 4.27

NEW Features:

1. 8K tri-Fan Models (Fans look a lot cleaner up close)

2. Clothes Color Randomizer (Can barely see duplicated fans)

3. 2 New fan Animations (Get to seat animations L and R)

4. Walk to seat feature (Trigger individual fans to walk to seat after halftime)

5. No chair feature with place holder (for Festivals )

6. Renamer (Rename BP when you spawn)

7. 5 new fan models (makes it harder to notice doubles of fans)


Technical Details

Features: Stadium / Event Fan Spawner

  • 20 Fan models
  • 12 fan animations (10 on 4k characters) with a mixer mode to add some variety.
  • Editor utility blueprint to make switching between line and square editors easy, along with the settings to make the process easier.
  • Paint chair mode - paint patterns images or letters onto your stadium chairs with brush size and other functions.
  • Remove chair mode - allows you to remove certain chairs if there is a stadium tunnel in the way.
  •  With square editor use spline points to draw the chair area out.
  • With line, the editor uses it to curve your chairs around corner stands.
  •  Contains two different chair models one for the stands and one for the ground chair.
  • You can render over 1 million fans if you desire but recommended 250k which you can get 130 fps on a good PC.
  • Reshuffle LOD distances for lower-end computers.
  • Set phone torches constant of flashing (like taking pictures) when spawning fans to achieve the effect of phone lights at a concert.
  • Clothes Color Randomizer (8K fans only)
  • 8K tri-Fan Models Option
  • Walk to seat feature (8K fans only)
  • No chair feature with place holder (for Festivals )
  • Renamer (Rename BP when you spawn)


Number of Blueprints: 1 Main Blueprint 2 Auto Used Blueprints

Network Replicated: No (No longer plans 2 but would be easy to network yourself)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

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