Todo Logging
An editor extension for tracking/logging TODOs with persistent saving. Manage your TODOs in the editor and keep your focus on your unreal projects.
The first TODO tracking tool completely integrated into your Unreal workflow. Keep your focus inside the editor!
• save todos persistently
• group todos into folders
• filter options
• edit when you need to
• customize assignees and categories
• track your progress
built completely from native widgets
easy to extend with blueprinting
fully integrated in your UE workflow
1.1.2 (26.06.2023):
UE Engine 5.2 supported
1.1.2 (06.02.2023):
- showing full todo text as tooltip for better feedback on longer todo inputs
- added safeguard to prevent accidental duplicates by using trim to cleanup input before commit
- commit inputfield is keeping focus to let user continue commits more comfortably
- added flash animation on commit
- added small fix for settings panel - wrapping changed
- fixed todo list overlapping input area on longer lists
- added version element in settings panel
1.1.1. (22.12.2022)
- fixed bug of input field not clearing text on commit
- fixed big fonts on 5.1 settings elements
Technical Details
- Features:
- todos and details as well as configuration are saved persistently, all information logged and available on restarting.
- filter options for members and categories
- edit your todos at anytime
- sort todos into groups by drag & dropping them onto custom folders
- progress tracking of all todos with visual indicator
Code Modules:
- TodoLogging Module for Editor feedback - initialization message
Number of Blueprints: 10
Number of C++ Classes: 1
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32
Documentation: download the pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PQ3E1D3X6hX591L_nRn3wbfiLzXHasQx/view?usp=share_link
Important/Additional Notes: Do not move the Python folder inside the plugin or the todo save/load process won't work.
Editor Scripting Utilities and Python Script should be enabled in plugins.