Ultra Volumetrics
Ultra Volumetrics easily adds local volumetric fog to any project with many adjustable parameters and functions.
Ultra Volumetrics is a simple way to add more visually interesting local volumetric fog to any project with many adjustable parameters and functions for ease of use. Paint mode allows you to paint fog where you want it and make it move in any direction! Utilize the power of splines to easily place fog exactly where you want very rapidly without losing functionality and easily animate it. Mix as many Ultra Volumetrics volumes as you like to create interesting effects. Interact with the fog as a player or object.
Create stunning fog that clings to surfaces with distance fields. With the included randomize function it is incredibly easy but more importantly fast to dress up levels and scenes with various fog effects. Choose from any included presets or save your own custom preset to easily use it elsewhere.
Current Version 3.7
Technical Details
Game ready performant local volumetric fog
Fog presets with the ability to add your own
Interactivity with players and physics objects
Paint fog and flow maps
Path tracing for UE 5.4+
Ultrabot interactive example character
Adjust fog color
Third Person and First Person fading effect
Distance field based fog
Self shadowing (also from directional light)
Rotational fog
Fog scattering
Spline based fog blueprint with animations
Quality settings based on distance
Randomize function (with seed numbers)
Easy to animate with panning speed function
Far and near distance fade functions
Mix multiple fog volumes
Quality settings editor utility widget
Quality settings trigger
Overlap events
and more..
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gP7bnD6Z_rjfTEpJe5PChoeeY5g-eCIE/view
