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Universal Stats Component

Universal Stats Component

Engine version
Download type
Asset Pack
File size
37.7 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

Universal Stats Component + Animated customizable round Widget + Network Replicated.

Universal Stats Component for any of your projects. It also contains an Animated customizable round widget.

The asset is presented as a simple template for a shooter.

In it you will also find items that can affect parameters (such as Health, Mana, Hunger, Thirst).

As well as a ready-made spawner with a timer for spawning such items.


Technical Details


  • Health, Mana, Hunger, Thirst parameters (Ability to disable unnecessary parameters)
  • Animated customizable round widget with stages (Colors change depending on the remainder)
  • Regeneration MP
  • A template for a simple shooter
  • Save and Load Stats System
  • Network Replicated
  • Easy to add and use


Number of Blueprints: 10

Network Replicated: Yes


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