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VR Hands Grab System

VR Hands Grab System

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Complete Project
File size
172.4 MB
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Grab system for VR objects, with finger position prediction. No need to make grab animations for each item anymore!

Grab Component will automatically predict finger position on the object's surface when grabbed.

Using this system there will be no need to make grab animations for each item which will speed up the VR Game development time.

This project comes with 5 example items (Axe, knife, grenade, gun, lever). Also axe and knives are throwable items.

Spinning assist is implemented for throwable items (can be turned off for hardcore knife/axe throwers).


Technical Details



  • Runtime finger position prediction on the grabbed object's surface
  • Set up multiple grab points for one object
  • 5 Example items with 4096x4096
  • Interactable Lever (On,Off position with LED)
  • Interactable Grenade With VFX
  • Throwing knife/axe assist logic (ballistic prediction)
  • Grab loc visualizer
  • Physics collision (e.g grabbed items won't go through walls)

Number of Blueprints: 15

Static Meshes: 10

Textures: 24

Materials: 12

M Instances: 11 /M Functions: 2

VFX: 2 / Sounds: 1

Replicated: No/Windows(Yes), Tested on VIVE / QUEST 2

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