Advanced GAS System
Data driven gameplayability, a GA that achieves different skills through different data, and can reuse gameplayability logic.
When using GameplayAbilitySystem, we often encounter a problem. Many skill logics are the same, but variables such as animation or damage values are different. However, multiple GAs need to be created, and each skill has different consumption and cooling time. It is necessary to create a new GA for each skill. Different Cost and CoolDown GE, this plug-in is used to solve these problems,Using the same GA to achieve different skills through different data.
RPGGameplayAbility inherits GameplayAbility. Each RPGGameplayAbility has an AbilityDefinition data (PrimaryDataAsset). The same GA can implement different skills through different AbilityDefinition data. Cost, CoolDown, and Damage values can be directly set on AbilityDefinition.
Technical Details
- RPGAbilitySystem Component (Binding InputTag(EnhancedInput))
- RPGGameplayAbility (Data driven, Shared GA)
- AI System
- AbilitiesViewModel
Code Modules:
- AdvancedGASSystem-Runtime
Number of Blueprints:96
Number of C++ Classes:20
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows,Android,IOS