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AI Patrol & Action System

AI Patrol & Action System

Code Plugins
Engine version
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Engine Plugin
File size
90.4 MB
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AI Patrol & Action System is a very powerful and flexible tool for creating various behaviors of game characters, patrol systems, as well as group movement with various formations with many settings. Make your game live!

AI Patrol & Action System is a very flexible, powerful and scalable system that allows to conveniently create patrols for moving the AI characters, to implement various behaviors, and to easily create life simulation, be it the villagers or a group of zombies. Also, the plugin has the functionality for implementing group movement of the AI characters, the ability to set various formations, and much more.


Version 1.1 change log:

  • Add random reach radius in patrol point settings
  • Runtime patrol creation support
  • New examples in Example Project

Technical Details


  • Powerful patrol system. Create routes of any complexity.
  • The system of action fully expandable in the blueprints — EnemyActions and EnemyPointActions, which allows implementing various behaviors for the characters and creating a truly live world in your game in several minutes.
  • The system of patrols that allows you to create linear, looped, and branched routes, with a lot of functionalities, which also integrates the ActionSystem.
  • Group movement, three types of creating formations, and the possibility of expanding the functionality in blueprints.
  • Many examples of functional implementation of the Example Project are included.
  • The knowledge of C++ is not required, all the functionality has been designed with the possibility of using and expanding the functionality with blueprints only.
  • If necessary, fast and high-quality personal support from the author for the plugin in case of problems will be provided. I will also be glad to hear your feedback and expand the functionality in the future.


Important: plugin works only with Characters, Pawns is not supported


Code Modules:

  • PatrolActionSystem [Runtime]
  • PatrolActionSystemEditor [Editor]


Number of Blueprints: 14

Number of C++ Classes: 30

Network Replicated: No (AI behavior work on server side)

Supported Development Platforms: Win, Mac, Consoles, Mobile

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