Basic Locomotion System (REPLICATED)
BLS 2.0 (Metahuman Support).
This locomotion system was made from scratch using lyra animations for the UE5 Skeleton.
It's meant to be used as a Third Person Template since it has very simple implementations and provides a very good base for game development.
Technical Details
- Metahuman Support
- 8-Way Directional Movement
- Mixed Orientation
- Smooth Rotation
- Turn-In-Place
- Overlay States (Pistol, Rifle)
- Aim Offset (Pistol, Rifle)
- Multiple Stances (Crouch, Walk, Run)
- Male/Female Support
- Inventory System
- Weapon System
- Optimized FPS
- 41 Animations
- 1 Actor Component (AC_Inventory)
- 2 Meshes (Pistol, Rifle)
- 2 Actor Blueprints (BP_Pickup, BP_Gun)
- 2 Child Blueprints (BP_Pistol, BP_Rifle)
- 1 Character Blueprint (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter)
- 2 Animation Blueprints (ABP_Male, ABP_Female)
- 3 Particle Effects (Pistol Flash, Rifle Flash, Bullet Impact)
- 8 Sound Effects (Weapons, Footsteps and Background Audio)
Network Replicated: [Yes]
Supported Development Platforms:
- Windows: (Yes)
- Mac: (Yes)
UE 5.0 has a bug using blendmasks which makes the overlay states not working when the project opens for the first time.
To solve this issue just open the Animation Blueprint (ABP_Male), Compile, Save, and everything will be working. This is not my fault sorry, the problem was already reported to Epic.