Hyper Outliner and Symbol System V2
Toggle an outline or symbol on any actor in the world from any place. Perfect for any game which benefits from highlighted item like inventories , building systems, puzzles, etc.
Outliner and Symbol System
The core of this system obviously seems the outliner. But how to use it? How to make sure it is handled properly and enable/disable it on any actor in the world easily? I have made sure to make that as easy as possible for you.
Key characteristics:
- Set an outliner on any actor from any place
- Uses an actor component with useful functions to manage your outlines easily
- Three different Colors Predefined
- I've setup a primary, secondary and an third/other outliner.
- Toggle multiple actors via function from the AC_Outliner
- Toggle Global scene depth easily
- Set and attach a symbol on any of your actors. Like ? ! ⮟ Perfect for quest systems
- Set options on the Symbols like:
- Play Rate
- Rotation
- Up and Down Movement
- Mesh
- Color sets
Extended Movement Component
This system includes a basic “Extended Movement Component”. It is capable of
· Handles player inputs via the Enhanced Input System. It uses input mapping and I have included an advanced method for handling and dynamically linking and unlinking mapping contexts.
· Provides a central place for the replication of montages, particle effects, spawning actors, and sounds.
· Is full of useful functions related to your character: Switch Global orientation between strafing and forward-facing character, Define Gender, get active camera component, and more
· Manages the camera of the player. It includes: zooming, switching between shoulder cameras, and basic first-person view
About Hyper
Hyper is empowering virtual world builders like yourself. Eric Ruts is running it and is the creator of all assets.
I would like you to focus on the creative side of your project, and I want to provide you with the building blocks to kick-start your dream. I have spent years of work on the assets I have made available and you are able to leverage that knowledge and work on your project! Please feel free to share your projects in Discord or via mail! I would love to know what awesome things you are working on.
Quality First
The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.
Where possible:
· Complete and flexible, I include the most common use cases for most types of games in our products.
· Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.
· Flawless integrations.
· Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.
· Extensive documentation, I try to comment on everything in the code. Besides that, the systems come with documentation after verification. I try to not only explain what happens by also why. I want you to be able to learn.
· I aim for my assets to be production-ready.
Example Images and content
On the product page, I use some example images of how it can look in a populated scene. That populated scene is not included. The scene in the example area is. Check out the demo for the full experience!
Nearly everything is made by myself! However, I am also using amazing Epic Games content where I can. Also, I do make use of CC0 assets where possible. Credits are in the readme files.
Technical Details
- Enhanced Input
- Network Replicated
- I expect it to work on all platforms, only tested on windows
- Easy to use, drag and drop [If not, please reach out for support]!
- AC_Outliner component with useful functions for all outline and symbol management.
- Toggle multiple actors at once and separate from each other
- Optional symbols
- Dynamic Symbol attachment to an actor
- Multi Color
Blueprints: 20
Multiplayer Survival Framework
All my v2 assets van be combined to a Multiplayer Survival Framework. Check out the details in the discord to get early access!