Runtime Screenshot Pro
Super easy plugins to Take a Screenshot & specialised for Path Tracer.
Super Easy Tool to Take a Screenshot & specialized for Path Tracer!
This can help you to do a professional screenshot task with only 1 BP nodes. It can be used to capture a screenshot during Path Tracing. (AMD GPUs are NOT supported)
🎁🎉🎊🎖️ Showcase product during 10th January 2023 - 24th January 2023 🎁🎉🎊🎖️
❖ Major Features ❖
✅ Showcase product during 10th January 2023 - 24th January 2023
✅ Beginners Friendly! Only use it with a single BP node. No need to drag & drop anything to your scene!
✅ Set Rendering Method in Runtime (Raster / Path Tracer) (RTX is on the way...)
✅ Provided "On Screenshot Captured" event. Useful for notify the post action after capture
✅ Solve the Path Trace Crash by tuning some parameter in a BP node
✅ Setup Render Output (Use viewport multiplier / Set resolution manually)
✅ LTS (Long-Term Support) Plugin. More is coming, this is a continuous development plugin!
❖ Limitation ❖
- AMD GPUs are NOT Supported
- Only Capture an image on Current Viewport (or current camera view) ; Cannot capture on the camera which are not looking
- Cannot capture UI
- Wait a while (depends on resolution & hardware) when capturing an image. 0.5s-2s in general.
Technical Details
Misc Features:
- Set Lumen Use Hardware Raytracing in Runtime
- Random String (Lite & Pro Version)
Code Modules:
- C3_RSP [Runtime]
Number of Blueprints: 3
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64 (Other platform should be good to go, but not supported) (AMD GPUs are NOT supported)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64
- AMD GPUs are NOT Supported
- Only Capture an image on Current Viewport (or current camera view) ; Cannot capture on the camera which are not looking
- Cannot capture UI
- Wait a while (depends on resolution & hardware) when capturing an image. 0.5s-2s in general.