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SixDOF Movement

SixDOF Movement

Code Plugins
Engine version
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Engine Plugin
File size
12.3 MB
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Versatile and easy to use 6DOF movement component. C++ code plugin.

Implemented as a movement component.
Can either directly transform the actor its attached to, or apply forces if the actor simulates physics.
Everything is contained in one class (USixDOFMovement) , doesn't use any external files.


Technical Details


-Works in both Blueprint and C++ projects

-Allows both physics-based and non-physical movement

-Speed and inertia adjustable for each axis

-Multiple acceleration models - linear, exponential, quadratic, frictionless

-Gravity can work in any direction, independent of world setting

-Automatic movement and input replication

-Replication supports world origin shifting (UE4.14+ only)

-Autopilot - look at, autolevel, move to

-Automatically transform inputs to world or local space

-No hardcoded parameters, anything can be changed in editor or during runtime

-Complete blueprint integration, all functionality accessible without using C++

-Source code included

-Extensive example project included


Network Replicated: Yes

Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android

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