Dirt Track & General Dirt Decals
A collection of dirt track / other general dirt decals along with a base material to use them on.
A collection of 50 PBR decals to be used with decal actors, along with a simple base dirt material for them to be placed on. They can be tweaked with the provided materials and should be suitable for any other materials you have such as grass, different dirt, mud etc.
Decals Include:
5x Dirt tracks + 5 water versions
5x Dirt tracks with footprints/hoofprints
2x Single dirt tracks + 2 water versions
4x Wider dirt tracks + 4 water variations
4x General dirt patches
3x Puddles
3x Dirt Banks
3x Footprint/hoofprint patches
5x Erosion Channels + 5 water versions
All decals have parallax by default but non parallax versions can be made with the included standard material if required, along with additional water variations.
Feel free to leave any feedback on how these can be improved and made more useful :) All the decals are laid out in an example map so they can be easily seen, along with examples of how the different materials are set up.
Technical Details
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- 50x Decals
- Textures for each decal include: base colour + opacity, normal, roughness + metallic + ao, heightmap
3x Deferred Decal master materials:
- Standard with all textures listed above
- Parallax with all textures listed above
- Parallax with all textures listed above, with height based water blending
- Simple dirt base material
- Example map
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 4 Materials, 51 Material Instances, 2 Material Functions
Number of Textures: 140
Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048, 2x 1024x2048
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: yes
Mac: yes